Monday, April 13, 2009

What are your final Impressions of Colloquium? What changes would you make to the course? What assignments would you keep or discard? What readings did you like or dislike and why? What suggestions for activities or field trips do you have?

Colloquim. Although it was fun, I found it rather pointless. I am not a nature person. I am no interested in it at all. My major has nothing to do with it. What changes would I make? I would make all the field trips to indoor places like Chuck E Cheeses or Cicis pizza. I would make the course not a requirement for all students. I disliked all the readings because they were all depressing and made me want to slit my wrists. The course needs a bright side to it. I always come out of class crying over how we are all screwed. We need more material on how we ARE being sustainable.

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