Monday, April 13, 2009


The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society for the 21st century. You will be assigned to read this document and participate in an in-class discussion pertaining to how it relates to all that we’ve been learning. After the reading and in-class discussion, I would like you to reflect on your personal thoughts about the document and what it implies for those of us living in the United States. What connections do you recognize between the ideas being proposed in The Earth Charter and what we have learned in this class? Include details about what you’re relating such as specific readings, specific activities, field experiences, specific discussions, etc. Is the earth charter realistic? For individuals? Communities? Cities? Nations?

I think that this article is vital for us to incorporate into our national agenda. It says that the united states must make drastic measures to go green. The idea of preserving the land around you and saving the earth are alike in the earth charter and colliquiem.It says that the united states must make drastic measures to go green. The earth charter is hopeful but not realisic for our nation. It will be realisitc on an individual and community scale, but we can never achieve any bigger goals.

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