Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Genetically Altered Food

12. Other: Experiences, Questions, Considerations, Observations, etc. This entry allows you to choose what you want to write about or sketch. The only requirement is that it must pertain to the natural world. You can do another entry similar to any of those described above, you can tell me about an experience, you can create a picture, poem, song, or story, and the list goes on. Be creative and express yourself in a way that is meaningful to you.

Today in class, we watched a film on the genetic alteration of our food sources. These alterations promise many postive outcomes, such as faster growing crops and other positive aspects, but there are also many negative aspects as well. Corporations are taking over the farming industry, and the patenting of seed is destroying small farming as we know it. If a seed accidently winds up on a farm, they can be held accountable under law to pay the corporation that owns that seed.

I found this video on youtube that provides further information on the subject.

The video mentions that about 70% of the food that we eat today contains genetically altered ingredients. So how do we know which foods contain these altered ingredients? The thing is, we dont. They do not label altered foods. This industry is trying to convince us that the technology is our only hope, but is having a dominoe effect on the food industry.

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